Tuesday, January 15, 2013

When is the Present Timeline?

I've got a pretty weird theory going on.

Okay, so y'know how in movies people are always going to the "future" and stuff? Well, I got to thinking, when is the present? Where is the timeline that is currently happening? Look at technology, I can ask a question to a handheld computer and it will shoot a beam into space and back and have my fucking answer. Now if that's not mind blowing technology, I don't know what is. We have robots and holograms... all we're missing are flying cars and hover boards.

Not to mention those fucking shoes, but we'll get there.

Now, I think it's pretty obvious that this is the future. Seriously, we're only two years short of being the time that Marty McFly traveled to in Back to the Future 2.

Two years, Nike, you have TWO YEARS.

So, I got to wondering, if this is the future, when is the present? IGNORING the obvious, 1985 because of Back to the Future, I started thinking of human history in relation to Dragon Ball Z. Now, if you think of human history like that, then I guess you could say that B.C. is Dragonball, right? It's drags on for a really long time and it's kind of boring.
So, then if you consider A.D. DBZ, when does GT start? Well, look for a climax in human history. When in time did the human race experience the most epic conflict ever that will almost certainly not be topped?

Yeah. World War fuckin' Two

Refer to this image if you have any doubts.

Then that would mean that the height of WWII, say... the 40's, is the present timeline. That means that anything after that is GT. Now, in GT, everything is insanely overpowered. We got nukes at the end of DBZ which was supposed to be so amazingly strong that it blew our minds (pun sort of intended). Now warfare is so strong that it's stupid. That's GT! We already hit the climax and now this timeline sort of feels like it's just tacked on. Like, why does it even exist? It's just a useless addition to an otherwise complete storyline?
I'll tell you why, just to extend the plot. Same reason GT existed in the first place. To make money. But pretty soon they'll figure out that GT sucks and it's not working and Rapture will happen or some shit and it'll all be over.

I'm fucking prophesying here, take notes.

Alright then, if GT was only to make money, then what does that say about all of human history? Is it just some sort of plot-line constructed by someone or something else? If that's the case than there must be many more plot-lines. But Dragon Ball Z is considered the greatest anime of all time that countless people have relished in the awesomeness of, so at least humanity has the solace of being nominally important if not, badly written.

Hey, I just single handedly proved, Rapture, intelligent-design and the multiverse-theory.
What've you done with your afternoon, huh?
Not that.

Well, the least I can hope for is that we hit 2015 before Rapture happens. I want those mother-fucking shoes, man.

Don't fail me, Nike.

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