Monday, February 4, 2013

Top 8 Potential Videogame-Based Movies

If you're a video game fan

Then you must know how disappointing it is to wait and wait for your favorite title to be adapted, only to have it be done by Disney or star Angelina Jolie (i.e. suck major dicks). I can't think of any video game movie that left me not pissed off much less satisfied. This happens for many different reasons. A lot of times, it's just because the game doesn't have a lot of plot to it. Mortal Kombat isn't exactly known for it's rich storytelling and yet they attempted it nonetheless. Other times, it's because the game has too much plot. This is often the case with adventure games and RPGs especially. Seriously, try to cram an Elder Scrolls game into two hours. Not easy.
Another issue is that the directors and generally everyone involved in the filmmaking process, were not part of the generation that played the games therefore, they don't have any real respect for it. Of course there are less excusable reasons as well. Sometimes, it's just because the filmmakers had no understanding of the game at all and were simply too damn lazy to ask the creators or the fans and just gave it their own interpretation. And of course, there are the douchebags who just cash in on the name of the franchise and don't even try.

I'll be damned if this man so much as touches a fan-fiction.

But at any rate, weather or not game-based movies can be done well, I've compiled a list of what I think are the games with the best potential to be done well. Not saying any of them should be adapted just because of that rant up there, but if it's ever attempted, it'd damn-well better be someone who knows what they're doing. I'm going to exclude the ones that are absurdly obvious, e.g. Alan Wake, considering it's practically a movie as it is. Let's go.

8. Dead Space

I think Dead Space could be adapted into a pretty respectable sci-fi/horror movie as well. I think it could be done well if put in the right hands. It'd certainly be an edge of your seat thriller... oh yeah, it'd have to be gory as hell, otherwise, I wouldn't accept it.

7. Bioshock

And while I'm on the subject of horror games, this was one that got rumored a ton a year or so ago (maybe two). It could be made into a very good suspense/thriller/horror movie and it has a unique and interesting plot that's much more intelligent than most of the movies coming out these days. I'd see it.

6. Metroid

Who could say that this wouldn't be awesome? A tightass space bounty-hunter flies around on her ship and fucks up gnarly looking aliens. That has Hollywood written all over it. The main issue with making this movie would be getting the rights. Nintendo is really stingy with that sort of thing; I've read about what the guys down at Wreck-It Ralph had to go through, but if those rights could be acquired, it'd be a bitchin' movie. I think having Nintendo breathing down the filmmakers necks, as they tend to do, would actually help in this situation. No one wants to see a Mario Movie made out of Metroid. This movie is actually being rumored about right now, I hear. I've learned to ignore rumors because they're typically too good to be true, but you never know...

5. Halo

Yeah, you must've known that was coming. I remember this was rumored to be released in 2007 and it seemed pretty legit from the online hype and garnered some mention in some gaming magazines. I got really excited and then 2007 came around and nothing. I think that Halo has one of the best plots in it's genre, as far as shooters go. If anything, it'd make a badass summer blockbuster that would annihilate the box office. But who would ever think that making one of the most popular gaming franchises into a movie would be a good idea? And yes I know "H" is a stupid name, these posters aren't too easy to find, y'know what I'm dealing with here?


4. Uncharted

Remember when you could look forward to an Indiana Jones movie? Crystal Skull was a let down, for sure, but that doesn't mean that that style of movie can never be reproduced. Meet Uncharted. A game that is, at the core, very much Indiana Jones inspired and it's got a great and dramatic plot to boot. It'd certainly make for an memorable adventure movie.

3. Assassin's Creed

This series definitely falls into the category of having an overwhelmingly complicated and large plot, but I think it could be done very well if handled with care. Start with the first one, which would be the easiest. It has the least plot development, but it's gritty and suspenseful. If/when they ever made a second one, then that'd be where the plot really picks up. Maybe try to merge ACII with Brotherhood? It just takes some careful writing. It's all a matter of deciding what can be left out and what can't. Then you work from there.

 2. Mass Effect

I just published my Mass Effect article and mentioned that I would've certainly put it on this list had I had prior knowledge of the game at the time of it's writing. Thankfully, with the internet, I can edit this article and throw this in. Mass Effect is already a very cinematic game so, adapting it to a movie wouldn't be all that difficult. Just cut out much of the quests but keep the core storyline, with Saren and whatnot, intact. Also, keep the finale exactly the same. It was badass as hell. This would, of course, be the first of a trilogy which would make great summer blockbusters, if nothing else.

1. The Legend of Zelda

Duh. Of course. No shit. Obviously.
How could I not put LoZ here? The iconic series of games could be easily adapted into what could be an unforgettable fantasy film. I don't think anyone would want anything other than the main candidate for the source material to be The Ocarina of Time. That would be my choice too. It wouldn't be extremely hard to adapt, it's a very (very) unique plot, and it's probably the most beloved of all of the games. You don't have to look far to see all kinds of shit like that poster there surrounding this movie that probably will never exist. There are even entire fake trailers that have been made.

If you think about it, there are so many distinguished moments and scenes from OoT alone to make a movie. The Deku Tree, the Time Chamber, pulling the Master Sword, the Ocarina ect. Yeah, you could cut out a lot with all of that medallion collecting shit and probably all of the children quests if need be, and fill it with whatever else, it really doesn't matter much as long as the core story is the same and the iconic moments are still there... and of course it's important that it resembles the  games, I know this, non-existent commenters. Unfortunately, like Metroid, Nintendo would not sacrifice the rights to Zelda so easily, you'd have to convince the shit out of them. If the cards were played right and it was done by a true fan, The Legend of Zelda could very well be one of the greats of cinema.

Tying this all together...

It's hard to imagine a videogame-based movie being critically praised and going down in history but there's no reason to say that it's not possible. Movies are based off of other things most of the time anyway, hell they once based an entire movie off of a commercial. My point is, is that the only thing that's holding us back from achieving that goal of a great videogame movie is doubt and a lack of respect and appreciation for games which can and should be held to the same standards of cinema or literature. They're all just ways of expressing a compelling story and there's no good reason why mixing them won't work.

Pictured: A compelling story

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