Friday, April 12, 2013

Top 10 Anime Openings

It's an anime tradition that every episode of every show is kicked off by a two minute AMV. Almost every anime has this and it basically serves as a preview of the show. Rather than watching trailers, as you would with American (and most) movies, you simply watch the opening. They're generally very well animated and artfully done. Everyone has their opinions, but I picked out my personal Top 10 anime openings. So enjoy these catchy tunes and check out the shows.

10. Phantom - Requiem for the Phantom (Opening 1)

To be honest, this opening is better than the show. Phantom - Requiem for the Phantom wasn't that bad, it was actually pretty darn good for awhile, but it fell apart in the third act of the show and it's an unsatifying conclusion to the 26 episode endeavor. I think it still may be worth watching because what's good about the show can almost override what's bad. Anyway, good opening.

9. Bleach (Opening 3)

I'm sure that every anime fan at least knows about this show. It's pretty popular and by "pretty" I mean, "very". It was tough to choose between the first opening and this one, the third, but I think this one is better. This show is too long for it's own good and I never got past episode ninety-something. It'd be better if it ended right after season 3, but whatever, it's an imperfect world.

8. Claymore

I talked about this one before. Claymore is my sword-fighting drug of choice. It's badass, monster-slaying action and it stays strong over all 26 episodes. Now if only someone would make a second  season.

7. Dragon Ball GT

As bad a rep as this show gets, and I'll admit I've added to it, it's actually pretty good. I wouldn't recommend it to any casual fan of DBZ, but to the hardcores, it's mandatory. If you can stomach the absurdly over-the-top power levels, it's fun.

6. Soul Eater (Opening 2)

I watched this show on recommendation. It's 50 episodes long and stylish as all hell, as you'll probably observe from this video. My only serious complaint is the ending, which blows.

5. Full Metal Alchemist (Opening 1)

If you're an anime fan, you've seen this show by now. If you haven't seen this show by now, you're not an anime fan. Each succeeding opening this show had was progressively worse. Of it's four intros, this is the best by far.

4. Darker Than Black (Opening 1)

I actually like this song a lot and I have it on my music library. I never watched any of the spin-off series's, but this show in itself is awesome. It's very story driven and doesn't spoon-feed you anything. Watch it.

3. Highschool of the Dead

The anime that dominated 2010, HOTD is the best thing that's happened to zombies since George Romero. Next to his films, this is my favorite zombie story and damnit it needs a second season.
The Walking Dead can suck this shows cock.

2. Deadman Wonderland

Again, a show I've already talked about. Deadman Wonderland did to 2011 what HOTD did to 2010 and is an anime I highly recommend. It's fucked, to be sure, but I think it's designed to make the viewer feel a little insane themselves.

1. Death Note (Opening 2)

I'll admit, it was real hard to choose between this and the runner up. In the end, this obviously won. It's crazy, trippy and I love the way it tells you nothing about the show. Also, it's badass. Just like the show itself.

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