Monday, July 30, 2012

Here's Something I Just Can't Wrap My Head Around...

If you had a childhood, then I'm sure Hollywood tried to ruin it for you.

With guys like Michael Bay out there, we just can't be too careful. Our childhoods are being destroyed left and right.

Case in point: the Transformers movies.

This should not be the first result when I search "Transformers"

I didn't even watch Dark of the Moon (3rd) because Revenge of the Fallen (2nd) was an abomination.

Michael Bay is the worst kind of director in my opinion, but that's a topic for another post, I'm here to talk about childhood abuse.

Please, help me understand this...

Michael Bay, to our horror announced that he was starting production on a Ninja Turtles movie and that instead of turtles they would be... (wait for it).


That's inexcusable. As if mutating turtles was too unrealistic or something and, knowing him, it'd be a CG explosion-fest. Fortunately this terror was stopped or at least put on hold until further notice. I never want to see a Ninja Turtles movie as envisioned by Michael Bay.

You may be thinking that it's obvious that the movie would be canceled. Aliens instead of turtles? You're only going to piss people off. No one would want to see that.

Well, I mournfully say that these films are made all the time.

Did anyone see this movie, Dragonball Evolution?

Well, don't. It's an abomination.
I'm a huge fan of the Dragonball series and because it was a big part of my childhood, I knew it only made sense that a movie would mess it all up. But I couldn't have imagined how bad it was going to be.

I don't even need to argue against this movie, it's painful just to talk about. This movie had so little in common with the show that it's absurd. All I can ask is, why?


If your answer is not the fans, then you should not be allowed to direct it.

What is the point of changing so much? And not even necessarily plot-points, but things like the way King Piccolo looks.

I've seen better looking aliens in Star Trek.

Why do that? I can't imagine what was going through their heads when they made this movie.

Dragonball Evolution is the sort of film that's going to appeal to fans and they'll make up most of your audience. A non-fan doesn't want to go see a Dragonball movie. Why would he? It's a movie about green aliens and energy blasts.

So, by making these changes all you've accomplished is alienating the non-fans and annoying the actual fans.

So how did it do?

It was both a box office and critical disaster getting as low as 14% on some ratings. Not only that but it was a finalist Worst Picture.

I hope someone can explain all this

Because it makes no sense to me. It should be clear as crystal. You make a movie based on something so you try to be true to it. Don't change a ton of minute details even if you're not basing it off of a specific event from your source work.

Moral: If you make a Dragonball movie, do it right.

For me.

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