Sunday, July 29, 2012

Let's Talk About Manga...

See this drawing? I was browsing DeviantART's newest submissions page, (try it some time, it's hilarious) when I happened upon this. Now, there are many things wrong with this drawing. I don't claim to be an expert when it comes to Manga, but I'm pretty decent and I know my way around the style and I can tell you that there are a lot of things wrong with this drawing. Now, I don't want to sound demeaning, (yes, I do) but let's look at what's wrong with this picture...

Where to begin...

How about the head? Let's look at what's wrong here.

Isn't that just the squarest jaw you've ever seen? There is no smoothness involved it just starts. Also, check out the neck. Look how wide the head is! Is your head as wide as your shoulders? Is your neck as thin as your mouth? Hers is. Can you imagine if this was a real person?

So, what's going on here? Check out the hair... It's just a purple growth on the side of her head... It's a stiff mass. Wind and gravity don't seem to have any effect on it at all. Also, the hair just sticks to itself. weird.

Could these possibly be more cliche anime eyes? It's as if the person who made this just thinks that all anime requires is some glinted eyes. It's actually an entire style. The hair, the face, the body is all part of it.

There are quite a few things going on here. First, shoulders. Good, God, they're like bricks. Is she a Lego person? I honestly think, they have more rounded shoulders than she does. Whoever made this could've at least tried to round them just a little. I also, find it interesting how her arms are supposed to be natural and casual, yet the shoulders are perfectly flat and squared.
At least there was some effort on the clothes but the shading doesn't make any sense. Why is there a shadow on her stomach? Is it her bellybutton? I don't get it. Besides that, there's no wrinkles to speak of.  Not even on the skirt.

Really? You couldn't just crop that bit out? No effort at all.

Now you probably think I'm an asshole, (which I am) but I'm only doing this because someone thought it was good enough to submit onto a website. I don't submit things onto DeviantART because I'm not yet confident in my computer drawing skills. So, I'm going to practice more until I'm good. Please people, if your art is no good, don't submit it.

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