Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Third State of the Union Address

It's been awhile hasn't it?

The last time I gave an address was at the start of the year, when I officially decided to give the blog a set theme. If you don't already know, these articles are when I take some time off of my busy and restless writing to speak to my followers directly, fill them in on upcoming changes and commemorate new achievements. So what is it we're commemorating? What you're reading is my 50th post!

But that's not all, at the same time we're also celebrating this blog's 2000th hit!

Shout-out to the eight of you who viewed my blog from a 3DS

It's been a long way coming since I first started out ten months ago. When my friends first coaxed me into starting this thing, I figured it'd be a little hobby I kept up. Publish some shitty post and amass single digit views. I never would've dreamed that I'd come as far as I have and I know 2000 is insignificant to the bigger and more popular blogs, but that in of itself was way, way more than I ever expected to get.
So, it seems as though you've earned the right. It seems I can no longer refer to you as "my non-existant fanbase". It seems you exist after all.

So what's new with the blog?

From here on out, I'm going to follow more of a schedule. Don't worry, it's nothing too methodical, it'll just keep my ideas in check and keep you at a constant entertainment level. See, I'm afraid I'll start putting out too much content too fast all at once and then not have any material later. So here's what will be done.
Expect to see movie and game reviews periodically as always. That is staying the same. I will still be review older movies whenever and I'll continue to try and see new movies that are in the theatre, but no promises, I'm poor.
Opinionated and discussion articles will now occur once a month. The date that I post it within that month is whenever the fuck I get around to it, but there will always be one in every month.
As for countdown articles, I'll post those periodically as well but I won't make any promises as to the consistancy of the posts. Those kinds of articles are the hardest to make, so expect them less frequently.
And any other sort of article that is miscellaneous, like rants for instance, will also be posted randomly.

I think that about does it. Just wanted to let you all know about it. Schedules and redesigns... this blog is getting more official by the minute...
Well anyway, one last thank you to the readers who I daresay are not accidentally stumbling here and then promptly leaving. I hope to see more readers in the future. I genuinely hope that you enjoy my work. Hopefully soon I'll be getting regular comments and we can hold discussions... For once, I'm optimistic about the future.

Thanks Sincerely.

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