Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Upcoming: Assassin's Creed

Holy. Fucking. Shit

This is it. It's real. It's happening. I can't even contain my elation.
According to,,, the official AC wikia, IMDB,, IGN, Gameinformer,, and countless others, an Assassin's Creed movie has indeed been confirmed by Ubisoft and is slated for a release on May 22, 2015 (and yes, I had to go to that many sites to be sure).
While my expectations for this movie, like any videogame movie, will be low, my hopes for it are in outer-space and will soon be the first human vessel to land on Saturn.
The starring role will be played by Michael Fassbender, who seems to be getting quite a bit of attention on this site as of late. For those of you just tuning in, he's one of the stars from Prometheus. Rumor has it that he'll be playing Desmond but rumor is rumor so in reality he could be anyone. Fassbender is also producing, which should be interesting, Michael Lesslie, writer of Prince of Denmark, will be doing the screenplay and the movie is being distributed by New Regency and Fox. Other than that, not much is actually known. No director has been announced and it's likely that the release date will change considering Disney is looking to shit out Star Wars: VII on that same weekend.

The few images I've seen of the film don't look very promising. Some asshole standing in Ezio garb in front of a green-screen. One thing I really think would kill this movie faster than a cyanide pill would be over-killing it with the CG. Assassin's Creed has always thrived on believability and realism (more or less) so a gritty Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones inspired look would be the way to go. Not to mention, we've already seen Assassin's Creed done with digital effects, it'd be nice to see it in real life.
Furthermore the fact that the actor there is wearing Ezio's clothing means the movie is going to A) only briefly glaze over the Altair timeline, B) be very rushed to cram multiple games into two hours of film or C) have a severely modified story. Knowing videogame movie adaptations, my guess would be the latter of those options but my hope is for the first seeing as that sounds like the least terrible.

With two long years between us and Assassin's Creed, there will certainly be more news that I will certainly be reporting on. With The Avengers 2, Pirates of the Caribbean 5, The Hunger Games: Mockingay Part 2, Star Wars: VII, The Hobbit: There and Back Again,  Prometheus 2 and now Assassin's Creed, it looks like 2015 is going to be a busy fucking year. Let's get excited.

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