Thursday, June 27, 2013

Upcoming: Terminator 5

Good God. Another 2015 blockbuster?

'Fraid so and by the looks of it, it's going to be a year of sequels the likes of which haven't been seen since 2011. Terminator 5 will be premiering June 26th, 2015 and yes, it is real. All we know so far about Terminator 5 (which is a working title) is that Arnold Schwarzenegger will indeed play an active role. This of course is great news after he was dismally absent from the previous film, Terminator: Salvation, save for a singular cameo appearence during a fight scene in which he still had no dialogue. Besides Arnold, not much is known about the actual casting apart from a plethora of rumors, some of which stating that Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson might even have some involvement which is disconcerting news to me seeing as he usually goes for the more explosion-happy kind of shit...
But really, not much is actually known about the movie. We know that Megan Ellison, who worked on Zero Dark Thirty, will be producing and Laeta Kalogrdis and Patrick Lussier who worked on Shutter Island and Drive Angry (respectively) will be scripting the movie. One of those writer's names makes me happy and the other makes me worried that my fears about Dwayne are real.

But here's the really interesting bit, Terminator 5 will not continue where the previous one left off. No-no. Rather it will be a reboot of some sort and will be the first in a whole new trilogy. Now, I can certainly see remaking the first Terminator movie as it's definitely dated after all these years, but if those guys over in Hollywood think they can remake T2 and 3, not only are they insane, they're stupid. Why? Well, the second Terminator movie, unlike the first, has aged beautifully and remaking it is completely unnecessary. Besides that, not only is the third Terminator movie only ten years old, nobody fucking liked it to begin with.
This leads me to believe that the filmmakers aren't planning on remaking all three movies, but rather maybe kicking off a whole new story that will star different characters. I actually kind of like that idea and I think that if it's handled with grace, intelligence and care (like the first two installments), it could actually be a pretty promising film. Besides, I think just seeing the now 66 year-old Arnold back in the role as the emotionless killing machine that we all know and love will be a treat in of itself.

2015 now has Terminator 5 thrown into the mix as well as the recently announced Independence Day 2. It's going to be a fucking madhouse at the theatre seeing as all of these movies are launching at the same time (Terminator 5 is one week after Assassin's Creed). Great. I can't wait to go completely broke paying for movie tickets.

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