Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Other Guys

This is a movie that came out a while back

I recall seeing the poster when I went to see Toy Story 3, (along with Predators which was one of the trailers oddly enough). I didn't think it would be anything I'd remember, y'know, just another movie. I did not go to see it in the theatre, but I did watch it soon after it came out on DVD.
And oh, boy...

Suffice it to say, I died.
The movie is basically explained in the title. Will Ferrel and Marky-Mark Whalberg are two cops in NYC... well, cop my not be the right term. They're the pencil pushing nobodies. They never go out on the field. The Rock and Samuel L. Jackson play two extraordinarily badass police men, who get into unnecessarily and ridiculously over-the-top car chases. They are the amazing heros everyone knows about and Will, who plays Detective Allen Gamble, and Mark, who plays Detective Terry Hoitz, are just the other guys. (See what I did there?)

The hot-tempered Terry has been stuck with Allen since he shot Derek Jeter at the World Series and receives little to no respect among the other detectives. Not giving anything away here, but somewhere along the lines, Terry and Allen get the chance to investigate a scaffolding permit violation. Sounds exciting? Well, they manage to uncover a plot by a wealthy businessman Erschon who is trying to cover his losses. And from there it only gets more and more insane.

This is kind of a hard movie to talk about because I want to convey how great it is without ruining it.
Mark Whalberg and Will Ferral are fucking hilarious in this movie. They way they interact is great. Terry is always flipping off the hook and yelling at Allen for being too happy or something, and Allen is so dorky, the way he goes about dealing with it is just as funny.
There are quite a few scenes in this that seem to serve no purpose at all, which would normally be a complaint, but in this movie it just somehow works amazingly. There's a short scene where Allen and Terry get wasted and fuck up a bar. And then right after it's like, back to the movie!

The humor in this movie is pretty unpredictable and is devoid of cliche. There are so many comedies out there that are just recycling used jokes, but The Other Guys is unique and doesn't fade in with the crowd.
Because I don't want to ruin it, I won't say anything more. I loved it. You'll love it. This is hands down, the best comedy to come out in the previous decade.

9/10 - Very Good. Be Sure to Catch It.

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