Sunday, July 29, 2012


I went to see The Dark Knight Rises last week and when I was in line, the guy behind me was telling another guy about a movie he's "totally" going to make. My guess is that they were art students or something but the conversation was plenty of entertainment in the line.

The first guy who was sort of short with a scraggly black beard that I'm sure he never trims, was telling another guy who was tall, lanky, and shaven clean, about this plot.

I'll try my best to explain this.

First thing he says is that "I'm skipping 4D and and going straight to 5D." The other guy just nods and goes along with it. Now, obviously, this guy has no idea what dimensions are. He probably doesn't know that we exist in the 3rd dimension and that we only experience Length, Width and Depth, but Time is only experienced linearly, we can't see or move through it as we can with Depth. Same as how the 2nd dimension can only experience Depth in one way, so can we with Time. The 4th dimension changes that and allows you to see through time as we can with Depth. Any time you see a movie claiming to be 4D you can quote me and sound like a smartass. Of course, 5D is even more preposterous and simply doesn't make sense when applied to a movie...

Well, anyway, he says it was going to be about a robot apocalypse with nanobots and it was also going to basically "a better version of The Matrix but instead of having a visor in virtual reality, they sort of lay back in chairs." Very original. At this point I was wondering where he was going to get the money to make what would surly be a big budget movie, but I'm sure he'll find a way.

Why does this movie seem so familiar?

Then he started talking about his inspiration.

To be honest, I was dying to know where he was able to come up with this amazing plot, and I was overjoyed when he started explaining it. Have you ever heard of lucid dreaming? It's when you, in your dream, are conscious that you are dreaming and you can control what happens.

So, he says that his lucid dream was like "some kind of hyperreality," and was "more real than real life." Now, I'm really interested. More real than real? Sounds like the movie came form a good place. "The colors are more intense and everything was so vivid."


Wow. That's an incredible story. I can't wait to see this movie about nanobots and a hyperreality. I know I'll be there on opening night. You heard it here first.

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